Making Moves

I've realized that, in the process of hyping my new brand (mostly to my mom, who, as far as I know, is the only regular reader of this plog, and who I suspect only does so because I threaten her on the regular with a total freeze on info about my personal life until she reads it*) I've referred at least once to my old brand without explanation of what my old brand actually looked like. I am still very fond of my old logo, partly because I think it's funny and I like the eyeballs, but also because it is the first logo I ever created for myself. Personal logos are funny. They are very autobiographical. It's a hoot to be able to look back and be like "oh, yeah, of course-- that is totally representative of 21-year-old Franny."

My very first logo! Put that in the baby book, Ma!

The butterfly was my primary logo and the only bug on my business card, but the rest of my collateral had all three bugs on it in various places, hanging out in and around the margins. It was suggested once or twice that maybe I should stick to one bug per document. My response was always to smile nicely, agree that the chubby grub blinking at the top of my resume might not be for everyone, and then never talk to that person again.

One time I actually went home and defiantly added some ants to the margins of my resume, the logic being that if somebody didn't like me based on the number of googly-eyed bugs on my resume, then I probably didn't want to work for them anyway. Things have worked out surprisingly well for me despite having bugs all over my collateral. 

These little dudes went on all of my old collateral, too. Googly bugz 4eva.

I've grown a lot since those days, though. The sweet naivete of my super-early twenties has given way to the jaded maturity and wisdom of my slightly-later-early twenties, and I am now firmly situated in the infinitely sophisticated era of the toast + jam.

*I'm kidding. I do not regularly threaten my mother.