New Shoes

I used to draw on a lot of shoes. It's been a minute since my last pair and I don't really do it much anymore, but when my big brother made a special request for a pair with purple and grey paisley with skulls, I had to make an exception. How often does your bigger, cooler, Brooklyn-dwelling brother ask you do make him a pair of shoes? And how often does he want them to be purple? With skulls? And paisley?

Not often. Really probably just the one time.

So I'm doing it.

Here is what I have so far:

Will's Purple Paisley Luvv Skullz: Phase I

Will's Purple Paisley Luvv Skullz: Phase I

That is the beginning of shoe #1. I added a few hearts. I'm sure Will will be thrilled!

Still plenty more shoe to cover. Giddyup, purple markers.